
Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Things I Can Count On

My husband: He is my rock. He is always there for me, unquestioning. He loves me as I am; faults, over-emotional, at times a bit crazy. We have our hard times, like any other relationship, but he will always love me. I am grateful to him and everything he does.

My boys: They love me without question. Everything I do is for them. They always greet me with a smile and a hug. They come to me first when they're tired, hungry, sick. I can rely on them to make me smile, no matter how shitty of a day I've had.

My Extension Cord: She has been there for me through good and bad times. She's seen me at my best, and at my worst. Through bad boyfriends, drugs, hardships. She has never judged me, only listened and smiled. I can count on her to be there any time of day. I love you, Andrea.

My cats: Bowie and Jett are the best 4 legged companions anyone could ask for. They don't judge. They listen. And never ask anything from me other than food, water, and love. They know when I am happy, sad, mad. They can, without fail, make me smile with just a purr.

Ace: My constant companion. My partner in crime. He may chew up my favorite shirt (which he did last week), but when he looks at me with those brown eyes and a wag of his tail, I know he loves me. He keeps me company when I am lonely and crying. He, like the cats, asks nothing of me but food, water, shelter and love. And gives boundless love in return.

These are the things I think about and turn to when I am sad or lonely. Happy or upset. I am grateful to have them in my life.

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