
Tuesday, March 8, 2011

I need

I need to get my butt outside with my camera. It has been far too long. My DevArt page is sad without me!


I cling to the memory of how we used to be. Young and crazy. Nights out at the bar, playing pool and singing bad karaoke. Staying out late and sleeping in. Sitting up at all hours drinking and telling stories. What happened?
We grew apart. I tried and tried to stay connected but after so many times of being let down, I just gave up. I was not aware that men come before your best friend. It has been over a year, I let go, and you still have not came back. I miss you.
I do not know what to do anymore. I feel so lonely.
Time will tell.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

No More

I am going insane. I cannot handle this cold dreary weather much longer. I need warmer temperatures and green grass and colorful flowers. I need to open the windows and air out the house. I need trips to Nashville with Andrea and pretty parks to photograph. I need sunshine and spring thunderstorms. I need to be able to go for a walk with my dog on the beach without needing a jacket.

I cannot handle this winter much longer. Spring, please hurry.

Passive-aggressive thoughts

I am reclusive and aloof.
I am a loner.
I am socially awkward.
I shy away from direct eye contact.
I would much rather stay home and read a book than go out.
I am sarcastic.

I tend to give up on people. (I wish I did not.)
I feel sorry for myself a lot of the time. I am jealous of people with lives and friends and plans. And then I realize that this is not me. That is not who I am. I do enjoy going out with the few friends I have once in a while, but overall I am pretty much a homebody.

I wish I were a better friend.
Isn't it funny how the best of friends can grow distant. Your best friend find different people to spend their time with. They get a significant other, have kids, get married, settle down...and you get pushed to the back burner.

I do not know where I am going with this. I just need to vent. Not like anyone reads this anyway. I am not good at putting my thoughts down. I never was good at keeping a journal and spent more time decorating their covers than I did writing. But I will try to write more here, the Prozac alone isn't helping my depression right now.