
Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Passive-aggressive thoughts

I am reclusive and aloof.
I am a loner.
I am socially awkward.
I shy away from direct eye contact.
I would much rather stay home and read a book than go out.
I am sarcastic.

I tend to give up on people. (I wish I did not.)
I feel sorry for myself a lot of the time. I am jealous of people with lives and friends and plans. And then I realize that this is not me. That is not who I am. I do enjoy going out with the few friends I have once in a while, but overall I am pretty much a homebody.

I wish I were a better friend.
Isn't it funny how the best of friends can grow distant. Your best friend find different people to spend their time with. They get a significant other, have kids, get married, settle down...and you get pushed to the back burner.

I do not know where I am going with this. I just need to vent. Not like anyone reads this anyway. I am not good at putting my thoughts down. I never was good at keeping a journal and spent more time decorating their covers than I did writing. But I will try to write more here, the Prozac alone isn't helping my depression right now.

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